Monday, January 25, 2010

The Buried Life

I was just watching The Buried Life and thought "This would be perfect for my blog." The Buried Life is a show on MTV that follows four friends who have a list of 100 things to do before they die. The show follows them as they travel across the country trying to complete all the tasks on their list. For everything they cross off their list, they find a stranger and help the stranger cross something off of their list. The guys wanted to help encourage people to think about and complete the things that they have on their list. It's made to motivate you to take a risk and chase after your dream. The show proves that nothing is impossible and if you put your mind and effort into something you can accomplish it.

Everyone has their own dreams, aspirations, or just random things they want to accomplish. I believe that this is part of your identity. The things you have a desire to do and accomplish makes up a part of who you are. Achieving these goals and dreams also becomes a part of you, something that you can be proud of. The experience that you gain while you are pursuing your dream shapes you as a person. It helps you find your place in the world and helps identify you. In the end it's the journey thats the destination.

"What do you want to do before you die?"
-The Buried Life

Some things that they had on their list:
#24. Go to a rock concert in all leather.
#33. Get something named after you.
#57. Spend a week in silence.
#59. Deliver a baby.
#79. Dance with Ellen Degeneres.
#99. Host Saturday Night Live.

You can watch this show on MTV Mondays at 10 p.m. or visit their website


  1. I find the idea behind the show very interesting, but I am still skeptical of how "real" the show truly is. There are things on their list that are possible, but then there are also things on their list that are impossible for them to be able to do. Looking at the example you have posted, #99. Host Saturday Night Live, for regular people like you and I that is impossible only famous people get to host Saturday Night Live. I know that they also wanted to play basketball against/with President Obama, which is again impossible for regular people like you and I to be able to do that, since we do not have connections like the ones necessary to do so. Even then, I still do not think the President will have time to just play basketball with some average joes. I think the idea behind the show is good, the question is a very powerful one, but I think the show itself is suspect and very shady. I watch a lot of TV shows with a very critical eye, and I never believe them right off the bat. I have tons of examples with other shows to prove how fake they are, especially shows on MTV and VH1. I feel that those two channels are not very good at showing "reality." The credibility of these channels is not high in my opinion. On a sidenote I do not watch this show at all and I only base my comments on what I saw in a commercial for the show.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Fake or not, this show is a great inspiration. I watch it every Monday, literally stopping my homework at 10:00 and starting again at 10:30 after it's over. Last night's episode brought a daughter to closure with her mother after she lost her in Hurricane Katrina and was never able to visit her grave. The guys were able to raise money to get her a flight so she could visit her mother's grave and say goodbye. So fake or not, it gives me inspiration to go out there and try to help people in anyway I can. It shows the rewards of making somebody smile, which to me is the best thanks you can get.

  4. I agree that the show is a great inspiration, I just think there are parts in which it is not very "real", I think the realest part of the show would be when they help others with their things on their lists. I think it is always great to help people, and it is always great to see someone smile. I feel also that people always want to know that others do care about them, and I think as a society we care only about ourselves way too much. In that aspect I agree with what styke1 has to say.

  5. I agree I like that they go out and help people and I think that it does inspire people and motivate them to go out and make a difference. I also watch this show every Monday and I love it. Granted MTV doesn't always have the most credible shows, but these guys were doing these things before they had the show.
