Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Who are you?

Many people in today's society are afraid to show their "true colors". People today can be harsh and judgmental. Time and time again I see my fellow peers try to pretend to be someone that everyone will like. I ask them why? Why should people care about what others think of them? I understand that most people want to be liked by their peers and have relationships with people, but is it really worth it if you have to pretend to be someone you're not? Do you really want to be friends with these people if you think they aren't going to like you for who you are? People should not be judged on race, gender, or sexual preference.

The latter is what upsets me the most. To see people be afraid to express their sexuality because they are worried about what other people will think. One of my really good guy friends from my high school is gay. When he first told me, he said he was scared of what I would think. He said he was afraid that I wouldn't want to be friends with him anymore. Of course I would still be friends with him. No matter if he was gay or straight he would always be one of my good friends. It was sad to see that some people that he was friends with stopped talking to him because he told them that he was gay. It really upsets me that people refuse to accept people for who they are. Just because they are gay doesn't mean they aren't the same person you were friends with yesterday. It's just really frustrating to me to see people be so close minded. Homosexuals are people too. They like others of the same sex, so what? It doesn't by any means suggest that they are bad people. I think a lot of people just aren't willing to accept that society is changing. At some point we have to though.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Body and the Media

The body is seen as a part of your identity. In our culture, as shown through various advertisements and other forms of media, the bodies of men and women are used to sell their product or to get a point across. Women and men are seen as just a body not as their full self. Like in the Axe ads the women are attracted to the men because of the way they look and smell not to the actual men. People are obsessed with their weight and how they look and forget to think about how they act and portray themselves. I think the media puts the image of what you should look like and that's all people care about. They are concerned with how other people see them. Its sad to see people obsess with that when there is so much more to you than the way you look. While I do see the body as part of your identity, I don't think that it is that significant. I believe that it doesn't really matter what you look like. What counts is the kind of person you are, how you act around and treat other people, and your personality. I think our society today has lost that. I believe that the media affects people's view of themselves and its not always in a positive way. I don't think people should focus on what the media says or what other people think. I think they should be happy with who they are for themselves not for someone else.