Monday, March 8, 2010

Saying Goodbye

Death is not an easy thing. Especially if the person is someone close to you. I think that death shapes who we are. It makes us take a look at our own life and evaluate how we are living. It also takes a toll on us personally. I have myself only experienced the death of a loved one once. Sophomore year of high school my great grandmother, who lived alone, had fell and was in the hospital. She was 90 years old and the doctors said that they didn't think she would make it because her body wasn't strong enough. My family and I were devastated. My great grandma had 8 children so I have a pretty big family. We all went to see her in the hospital. We each took turns talking to her. When I was talking to her she told me to get off the couch and do something. I laughed because she knew that I didn't like to exercise and I wasn't that active. Even though I knew she was only talking about becoming more active, I felt more motivated to do things to make sure she would be proud. I did start exercising more and I became more motivated to do better in school. I always make sure that whatever I do that my great grandma would be proud. You really don't know how much you would miss someone until you lose them. She was a big part in our family. Going through this together, however, made us all stronger and closer with each other.

Another time I have seen a change in someone when they have experienced death is when one of my co-workers lost his twin brother. It was really hard to see him so upset and see him lose someone so close to him like that. It really took a toll on everyone too because he was so young. He got in an accident. To see someone pass away with that much potential is a very hard thing. I think my co-worker did a really good job of taking something bad that happened and making the best of it. He is now working hard to live his life with no regrets and making sure he's doing everything he wants to do. He's taking advantage of the time he has because you never know what will happen or what the future holds.

Death can shape our views of our own life and not take for granted the time and things we have. It makes us think about what we're doing in our life and where we are going. It helps us grow stronger and build relationships with the people around us.

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